Here is what you need to know to process and extract receipts transactions from your gmail mailbox via forwarding relevant emails to
Go to your mailbox preferences and set up Email forwarding from your financial institution.
If you are using Gmail for example, follow these steps to get to the forwarding tab
Settings icon in top right > See all settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP
On the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab, click the button "Add a forwarding address" and add the special forwarding address email (*** generated by when connecting your financial account
Once done, it will say that an email was sent for confirmation. To find the content of this email, come back here to the emails page to find a confirmation code from Gmail. Then enter it back into Gmail to link your financial institution to
After authenticating with the code, leave the forwarding option to Disable Forwarding.
don't want to forward every single email to so you will create a filter,
Create a filter to only pass on payment information from your by clicking in the email search bar and clicking at the advanced icon on the right inside of the search bar. Once options appear, use the following filter settings to forward only relevant emails containing transaction information:
Use the following filter settings to forward only relevant emails containing transaction information:
Then click on Create Filter.
In the next filter window, check Forward it to and choose the forwarding email address.
to stay safe, check also Never send it to Spam
Once you have linked the email to your your financial institution account, all future receipts will be received and processed by
Here is an extract of the full tutorial showing you how to connect and forward your email receipts from Gmail
Depending on your financial institution, you may choose to add the ***** address as an additional notification email (meaning that the email gets notified as an additional email anytime your financial institution sends an email) or you might decide instead to do it from your mailbox where you can filter exactly what types of emails to forward to
Most financial institutions do not send sensitive information through emails, so if yours does, you might want to use the advanced filter to only forward the receipts.
If you do not know the right subject keywords your institution uses, leave it blank.
Or if for example, the subject always contains "paid" or "sent" etc.
Use the keyword and add double quotes to emphasize it.
Note: U should also click on search first to make sure the results coming in are what you need to be forwarding.
Note: U should also click on search first to make sure the results coming in are what you need to be forwarding.