Is Cloudflare blocking requests to your site?

To fix this issue, allow in your firewall rules

If this is not enough, allow any incoming requests from AWS ASN 14618 from the United States to the designated URI path in your firewall rules

1. Under Security > Overview, filter by path using the relevant path that is being blocked as shown below.

This will show you proof of requests that were blocked. Feel free to extend to the time to when you last ran into an issue.

Cloudflare tutorial image

2. Go to Security > WAF > Tools to create and set up your IP access rule

Cloudflare tutorial image

3. Go to Security > WAF > Firewall Rules to create and set up your firewall rule

Cloudflare tutorial image

4. To allow all incoming AWS requests from the USA, add this extra firewall rule

Cloudflare tutorial image

5. Once done, this is what your firewall rules should look like.

Cloudflare tutorial image

Congratulations, you did it. Pat yourself on the back.

Congratulations by Leo Dicaprio